Blue Maritime Group                                                   
  Government Compliance Services for Ocean Carriers  

European Customs

European Cargo Security

The EU Regulation 1875/2006 requires the lodgment of Entry Summary Declarations (ENS) for all cargo onboard a vessel calling any ocean port of the 27 countries of the European Community.

The ocean carrier, whether it is a container-, dry- or liquid bulk vessel, is legally responsible for the timely submission of ENS data to the EU Customs. Unlike USA (AMS), the EU regulation does not require dual filing nor the submission of ultimate shipper and consignee data. Filing of the master B/L data (ocean carrier’s B/L) is sufficient, even if a freight forwarder/NVOCC is identified as both the shipper and the consignee, on it.

Due to language issues of the member countries of the European Community, the commodity description must be expressed by using the Harmonized code. Preferably HS codes, at least 4 digits but 6 digits are recommended or Acceptable Cargo Descriptions, as all the EU Member States are free to chose the languages they want to receive the goods’ description in, hence if provided in only descriptions without any HS codes, not all EU Member States will understand a cargo description that is provided in English.

All goods brought into the customs territory of the EU, regardless of their final destination, shall be covered by an ENS filing, hence it will apply for all cargo discharging in an EU port (including transshipment cargo) as well as FROB cargo (Foreign Cargo Remaining on Board). 

Scan Security, L.C., a Blue Maritime Group company, undertakes filing of Entry Summary Declarations (ENS) for any ocean carrier with an EORI Number. Most European port agents offers the very same service, but at a very high cost.

  Blue Maritime Group - 2575 NW 49th Street, Boca Raton, Florida 33434, USA  
  Phone: +1 561-270-4324 - Fax: +561-404-4361 - eMail: compliance @  
  [ BONDS ]    [ ACE ]    [ C-TPAT ]    [ FMC TARIFF ]   [ ENS ]  
  Copy Right 1991 - 2018 Blue Maritime Group  